10 Print Resources

Resources for 10 PRINT Compute! 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 PETSCII Character Codes Online C64 Emulator Offline C64 Emulator (VICE) Commodore64 Manual VICE keyboard map (sort of) Programmer’s Guide to Sound p5js version Key memory locations Display Settings: 646 text color 53280 border color 53281 background color 53272 character mode (set to 21 for […]


Resources for 10 PRINT

Key memory locations

Display Settings:
646   text color
53280 border color
53281 background color
53272 character mode (set to 21 for upper case, 23 for lower case)

Color Codes:
00 black
01 white
02 red
03 cyan
04 purple
05 green
06 blue
07 yellow
08 orange
09 brown
10 lt red
11 gray 1
12 gray 2
13 lt green
14 lt blue
15 gray 3

Screen map:
screen location = 1024+x+40*y (1024-2023)
color at screen location = 55296 + x + 40*y

54296 volume setting (0-15)
54277 attack/decay (0-255)
54278 sustain/release (0-255)
54273 high note select
54272 low note select
54276 play control (start with 17, 33, 65, 129, stop with 16)