Asterisk Painting

Asterisk Painting Asterisk Painting is programmed to create a series of asterisks by repeatedly printing the number of milliseconds that have passed since the painting started. If left to run by itself it will do so; however, when started on a system with other threads running in the background delays external to my artwork may […]


Asterisk Painting

asterisk painting complete

Asterisk Painting is programmed to create a series of asterisks by repeatedly printing the number of milliseconds that have passed since the painting started. If left to run by itself it will do so; however, when started on a system with other threads running in the background delays external to my artwork may make the asterisks look more like spots and the painting may resemble the work of certain other overly-litigious artists.

One of a series of one-hour text sketches.

Asterisk Painting is featured in Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies by Winnie Soon and Geoff Cox.

Finite Monkeys

Finite Monkeys Finite Monkeys is proof that there are not infinite monkeys on Twitter. Every thirty seconds it searches for tweets of love and compares them to Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. It then displays the tweet with the highest similarity score. One of a series of one-hour text sketches.


Finite Monkeys

finite monkeys

Finite Monkeys is proof that there are not infinite monkeys on Twitter. Every thirty seconds it searches for tweets of love and compares them to Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. It then displays the tweet with the highest similarity score.

One of a series of one-hour text sketches.

The Pool

The Pool To quote the description on The Pool’s site: Distraught over term papers downloaded from the Internet, English departments are budgeting for anti-plagiarism software like Turnitin and Columbia University has restricted its students’ downloads to 1 megabyte per week. And the Recording Industry Association of America is slapping thousands of file-sharing undergraduates with […]


The Pool

To quote the description on The Pool’s site:

Distraught over term papers downloaded from the Internet, English departments are budgeting for anti-plagiarism software like Turnitin and Columbia University has restricted its students’ downloads to 1 megabyte per week. And the Recording Industry Association of America is slapping thousands of file-sharing undergraduates with million-dollar lawsuits. The lesson for students is clear: sharing information is bad.

The Pool offers a very different message. This online environment is an experiment in sharing art, text, and code–not just sharing digital files themselves, but sharing the process of making them. In place of the single-artist, single-artwork paradigm favored by the overwhelming majority of studio art programs and collection management systems, The Pool stimulates and documents collaboration in a variety of forms, including multi-author, asynchronous, and cross-medium projects.

The Pool was one of the first major projects I worked on at the University of Maine beginning in 2002. Despite being at the bleeding edge of interface tech at a time when Javascript was still mired in cross-browser hell, it is somehow still running today. It has been the site of more than 2700 projects and 11000 reviews created by students at UMaine and elsewhere. It’s mission of encouraging a pedagogy of sharing has led to over 1500 of those projects being created under CC-SA-NC licenses.

The video above is an introduction to The Pool by another of its principle creators, Jon Ippolito.